The age of the Late Cretaceous red beds in southwestern Henan province
Graphical Abstract
Southwestern Henan province is located in Henan and near its border with Shanxi and Hubei provinces. In this area there are a series of nearly parallel down faulted basins, such as the Liguanqiao, Taohe, Xixia, Xiaguan and Wulichuan basins, which formed in the process of transformation of the tectonic mechanism during the post orogenic stage of the Qinling orogenic belt. Terrigenous clastic red sediments 1 000~4 000 m thick are deposited in the basin. Based on the fossil dinosaur eggs, charophytes, sporo pollen, ostracods and dinosaur skeletons as well as isotopic ages, the age of the red beds in these basins are assigned to Late Cretaceous, and the red beds of each basin are subdivided.