Feature and significance of Indosinian movement in Qingyang-Jingxian areas,southern margin of front land zone in the middle and lower course of Yangtze River
Graphical Abstract
A series of tectonic movement of various deformations happened during Indosinian in Qingyang-Jingxian areas, southern margin of front land zone in the middle and lower course of Yangtze River. Press detachment tectonic movement happened and was of great importance,after that,the major fold in Indo Chinese epoch was formed, then a great deal of thrusting (at southern margin) and gravity slide ( at northern margin) movement followed. The three deformationes happened continuously under the continuous effect of the same stress field to form a tectonic system of press detachment, fold and gravity slide, namely a typical deformation combination of front margin of fold zone and front margin of mountain, which show that the north part of the areas is the front zone of mountain of south part of Yangtze fold zone.