Graphical Abstract
The Late Proterozoic is well developed in southern Jilin. It is distributed in the northern corner of the North China platform. In this paper, on the basis of two natural cross sections with good outcrops and a continuous sequence of strata at Qinggouzi and Taiyangcha and in the light of the result of recent regional surveys, the late Proterozoic in the area is divided as follows. Upper boundary: Early Cambrian Meishucun Stage: phosphatic shale Lower boundary:Middle Proterozoic Dalizi Formation The contacts between formations are all conformable. These formations contain an abundance of stromatolites, metazoans and microflora. The Diaoyutai and Nanfen Formations can be correlated with the Jingeryu Formation of the Qingbaikou System of northern China, while the Badaojiang and Qinggouzi Formations can be correlated with the upper Sinian of southern China. The Qiaotou and Wanlong Formations between both possess conditions of bridging northern and southern China, therefore they can be chosen as the third stratotype section of the late Proterozoic of China.