Graphical Abstract
Granulite is a high-grade regional metamorphic rock of multiple origins formed under solid-phase conditions. It contains such characteristic minerals as pyrope, sillimanite, exsolved perthite and exsolved anti-perthite in addition to hypersthene of regional origin. Granulite may be divided into two subclasses (feldspathic and mafic) and further divided into species. Strong oriented pressure plays an important role in the formation of granulite, which not only influences the textures and struc- tures of granulite but also results in plastic deformation of quartz, exsolu- tion of feldspar and pyroxene and even formation of high-pressure mineral paragenesis of granulite so that pressure shadows of garnet are formed and its A~0/N ratio changes. In order to identify granulite correctly, it is necessary to erase the effect of migmatization and distinguish between biotite granulitite and metamagmatic rocks.