Collective fluid flow system and its implications for gas hydrate accumulation in the north slope of the South China Sea
Graphical Abstract
Based on 3D high-precision seismic data used to analyze the collective fluid flow systems in the Taixinan Basin, a collective fluid flow system including faults, gas chimneys, mud volcano, and mud diapir was identified in the study area.The main characteristics of the collective fluid flow system in the study are manifested as follows: a, association of faults with gas chimneys; b, consistence of the development area of gas chimneys with the distribution area of Bottom Simulating Reflection (BSR), and a certain length of BSR identified above the gas chimney; c, development of a large number of small scale faults and micro-fissures in the surrounding and overlying strata resulting from mud diapirs/mud volcanoes, and formation of gas hydrate caused by upward migration of the middle and deep fluids along the rupture zone to the stable zone.Therefore, the collective fluid flow system in the study area provides a source of fluid for the development of gas hydrate, which is conducive to the accumulation of gas hydrate.It is of great significance for revealing the enrichment rule of gas hydrate and can provide references for gas hydrate exploration in other regions.