The ore-controlling structural characteristics of Yangshan gold deposit and its enlightenment for the exploration of gold deposits in Mian-Lue tectonic mélange belt, West Qinling Orogen
Graphical Abstract
The Yangshan gold deposit in Wenxian County is located in the triangle area north of the Yangtze plate, south of the China-Korea plate, and east of the Songpan-Garze fold system, and belongs to the south belt of the West Qinling orogenic belt.Since the deposit is located in the tectonic melange belt with extremely complicated metallogenic structure, it has brought great difficulties to the exploration work of the deposit in the past, and researchers even once failed to submit an exploration report.In order to find out the style of metallogenic structure, the authors, based on the data of prospecting engineering in the mining area and a large number of structural elements, proposed a new metallogenic structure model by using structural statistical analysis and stress analysis methods combined with a large number of field observations.It is held that it is located at the eastern turning point of Getiaowan-Caopingliang complex anticline in the forward fault-fold belt of the nappe structural system of Anchanghe-Guanyinba thrust fault in Wenxian County, Mianlue tectonic mixed rock belt.The orebodies are controlled by folding wings toughening brittle fracture fault fracture zone and the wedge type, with the typical "netted" tectonic melange tectonic style characteristics, and are generally NNE-trending.The strikes of orebodies are diverse in north, south or horizontal direction.Thus, the problem of ore-control structure and orebody circle connection of the Yangshan gold deposit is solved, which provides a good reference for gold exploration in Mian-Lue tectonic melange belt.