Geochemical characteristics and geological significance of basalt in the Armantai ophiolite, east Junggar, Xinjiang
Graphical Abstract
The Armantai ophiolite belt is located in the east Junggar basin of Xinjiang. Metamorphic peridotite, cumulate rocks and basic volcanic rocks in the ophiolite belt are extensively developed. In spite of the fact that the sequence combination has been damaged by the structure, it on the whole remains a set of ophiolites with relatively complete assemblage. The rocks were deformed and experienced strong metamorphism, and have generally experienced chloritization and epidotization. The basic lava of Armantai ophiolite can be divided into three types, i.e., oceanic island basalt, oceanic ridge basalt and island arc basalt. Among them, oceanic island basalt did not belong to the ophiolite composition, it was involved in ophiolite belt at a later stage with other components into tectonic emplacement. The characteristics of major elements and trace elements of the basic lava show that the magma was derived from the depleted mantle and experienced metasomatism with the addition of the components of subduction zone. It is shown that its was related to the subduction. Combined with the tectonic setting and geochemical diagrams, the basic lava shows both IAT and MORB features and has the transitional characteristics. It can be inferred that the formation of the ophiolite was related to island arcs, and it probably occurred in partial oceanic trench region between oceanic ridge and oceanic trench.