Big data and future development of geological science
Graphical Abstract
Quantification of geology is an important indicator of the development of geology itself. After long and hard explorations and attempts, geologists have overcome many obstacles and made remarkable progress, but they have not crossed the threshold of qualitative description and uncertainty. Today, when human beings enter into the era of informatization and big data, geologists have discovered the shortcut to quantification. Under the domination of the Fourth Paradigm which is based on big data and dataintensive computing, all kinds of limitations from both subjective and objective factors may be overcome by geologists. Geological science will be brought into a more comprehensive stage of quantitative development, and new discoveries in principles and laws will be acquired. In other words, guided and supported by geoinformatics, geology will develop rapidly in the 21st Century. Geologists need to gradually establish a new concept of geological science that is compatible with the Fourth Paradigm, that is, to find and reveal the relationship between various geological factors concealed in big data as the primary goal, and then to identify the genetic relationships on such a basis.