Re-understanding of diamond-bearing parent rocks in Zhenyuan area, Guizhou Province
Graphical Abstract
The "Eastern One" pluton in the Maping area of Zhenyuan Prefecture, Guizhou Province, is the earliest discovered prima-ry diamond deposit. It was named kimberlite at the time of discovery, based on the traditional idea then that diamond deposits only exist in kimberlite. Later, it was named lamproite, following the discovery of Argyle lamproite type primary diamond deposit in West-ern Australia. Recent researches revealed that the diamond-bearing parent rocks in Maping area are closer to the Australian typical kimberlites in terms of petrological, mineralogical and geochemical characteristics, while the pluton in Baifen area is more similar to Australian typical lamproite. It is proposed that the "Eastern One" pluton in Maping area should be named breccia tuffaceous kimber-lite, while the pluton in Baifen area should be kallite-diopside-flogopite lamproite. The pluton in the Zhenyuan Prefecture has the combined features of kimberlite and lamproite, quite similar to the pluton discovered in Western Australia. The primary diamond de-posits in Zhenyuan area, and even in the eastern Guizhou Province, are of great potential for prospecting and research.