An analysis of the emplacement mode and ore-search prospect of lamproite in the Maping area, Zhenyuan County, Guizhou Province
Graphical Abstract
The Maping area of Zhenyuan County in Guizhou Province is the first primary diamond deposit discovered in China and is also the only outcrop of diamond-bearing parent rock area in Guizhou Province. The study of rock type, mineral composition and geochemical characteristics of lamproites and emplacement time of plutons in this area has been carried out for a long time, and most researchers hold that the plutons in the area have been denuded to the root facies, the quality of the selected diamond is poor and the prospects for prospecting are not good. The exploration of the primary diamond deposits beneath the Yangtze Craton has long been a controversial question. Zhenyuan area of Guizhou Province is the most abundant outcropping area of diamond-bearing rocks in the Yangtze Craton, and hence the study of emplacement model and ore-search prospect of lamproite in this area will be helpful to providing new ideas and methods for the research on Yangtze craton diamond prospecting and exploration so as to investigate major deep earth science problems. Through the analysis of regional information available, it is considered that a series of porphyritic lamproites exposed in the eastern part of Guizhou are controlled by the Yuping-Shidong-Sandu faults in the northeast, that at least two phases of intrusive activity of lamproite occurred in Maping area, and that, on the eastern side of the Shenchong fault, plutons might have not been denuded, and hence this area still has some ore-search prospects.