The age of basic intrusive and extrusive rocks in Funing area, southeast Yunnan Province
Graphical Abstract
Basic rocks composed of Banwa-type intrusive rocks, Anding-type intrusive rocks and Longkang-type extrusive rocks are well outcropped in Funing area, southeast Yunnan Province, but they lacked chronological information. Based on regional geological investigation in Funing area, the authors applied LA-ICP-MS tech to determining the U-Pb age of zircons from intrusive and extrusive basic rocks. The weighted averages of 254.0±2.0Ma and 244.2±4.4Ma were obtained from Banwa-type intrusive rocks and Anding-type intrusive rocks respectively, and the weighted averages of 251.9±3.0Ma and 255.92±0.72Ma were obtained from Longkang-type extrusive rocks. Combined with field geological survey and comprehensive research, the authors hold that the age of the Anding-type intrusive rocks should be Middle Triassic, and the age of the Banwa-type intrusive rocks and the Longkang-type extrusive rocks should be Late Permian.