The discovery of Mesozoic overthrust nappe tectonics and an analysis of its control of mineralization in Shapoquan area, Ejin Banner, Inner Mongolia
Graphical Abstract
The Mesozoic overthrust nappe structures were found by more and more geologists, and the correlated mineralization in Beishan area has become a key problem; nevertheless, the related study and knowledge are very insufficient. This situation has hindered the progress in mineral survey and exploration. Lower Cretaceous strata, overthrust faults, klippen and tectonic windows can be recognized. The sequences of stratigraphic units suggest that the overthrust nappe structures were formed between the Early Jurassic and the Early Cretaceous, the overthrust nappe tectonics and the lower order structures derived from this overthrust nappe tectonics controlled the formation and distribution of orebodies, in which the NE-trending network faults-fractures system was the main ore fluid channels and hosted orebodies. Based on a study of the overthrust nappe tectonics, the authors hold that there is a great potential for prospecting in the Shapoquan ore district, and that more attention should be paid to the overthrust nappe tectonics and correlated mineralization in middle and south metallogenic belt in Beishan area.