Preliminary application of structure-alteration mapping: A case study of the Nibao gold deposit in Guizhou Province
Graphical Abstract
The Nibao gold deposit is one of the large Carlin-type gold deposits in the "golden triangle" of southwestern Guizhou Province, and it is typical for mineralization of non-magmatic hydrothermal fluid. Based on the 1:10000 large scale structure-alteration mapping, the authors detected the main alterations comprising silicification, ferritization, pyritization with minor fluoritization, arsenopyritization stibnitization and carbonatization and their spatial distribution, and revealed that the ore-controlling structures are structural assemblages of reverse fault (F1) and Erlongqiangbao anticline, and dome structures formed by superposed folds with northwest and northeast extending hinge. Furthermore, the authors hold that the prospecting targets of the Nibao gold deposit lie near the Yujiaping Village where the reverse faults and anticlines are well developed.