A discussion on the Upper Paleozoic tectonics and petroleum prospect of southern central Asia intercontinental area
Graphical Abstract
The southern central Asia intercontinental area, which is mainly located in China, lies in a relatively active crust area between the Angara-Aldan and North China-Tarim craton. In recent years, the Upper Paleozoic strata have been regarded as a new field of oil and gas exploration. Most researchers regard this area as a transitional crust which is characterized by weakly deformed strata and good preservation due to upper cap rocks. The oil and gas which originated from Upper Paleozoic could be accumulated in situ and also immigrate into Mesozoic batholith. Several large and medium gas fields have been found in the western part of this area. Additionally, there still exist some controversies on the regional geology and petroleum area. This paper provides a generalized comment on the progress, existing problems and hydrocarbon prospective area.