Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen isotopes of the Huayuan Pb-Zn ore deposit in western Hu'nan Province and their implications for the source of ore-forming fluid
Graphical Abstract
With more than ten million tons of lead and zinc resource reserves, the Huayuan lead-zinc deposit is expected to become the largest Pb-Zn deposit in China and one of the world-class superlarge ore deposits.In this paper, researches on carbon, hydrogen, oxygen isotope of calcite and sphalerite from the Huayuan lead-zinc deposit formed during the main mineralization period are report-ed.The analytical results show that δ13CPDB values of calcite samples display the range from 2.71‰ to 1.21‰, the δ18OSMOW values are in the range from 16.09‰ to 22.48‰.The δ13CPDB and δ18OSMOW isotope values of calcite minerals from the Tuanjie, Limei, Tu-diping, Fengtang and Dashigou lead-zinc deposits are gradually reduced in turn, falling between native carbonate rock and marine carbonate in the δ18OSMOW-δ13CPDB diagram.In the Huayuan lead-zinc deposit, the carbon in the ore-forming fluid was mainly de-rived from marine carbonate dissolution.The δ13CPDB values of surrounding rocks in the Huayuan lead-zinc deposit vary from 0.15‰ to 1.17‰, the δ18OSMOW values vary from 19.79‰ to 23.89‰, and the surrounding rock is sedimentary marine carbonate.The δDSMOW values of fluid in calcite and sphalerite vary from 91.1‰ to 15‰, the δ18O fluid vary from-4.1‰ to 9.25‰, and the migra-tion direction of fluid in the ore district was from north to south.The δ18Ofluid-δDSMOW diagram shows that the main source of oreforming fluid was formation water and atmospheric precipitation.Water-rock reaction between ore-forming fluid and wall rock was the main mechanism leading to the precipitation and crystallization of calcite and sphalerite in the Huayuan Pb-Zn deposit of western Hu'nan Province.