Carbon isotopic composition of the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation from ZK04 drill hole in Changyang of west Hubei Province and its significance for stratigraphic correlation
Graphical Abstract
The authors analyzed carbon and oxygen isotopes of Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation from ZK04 drilling core, Lianghek-ou of Changyang, Hubei Province.The carbon isotope trends show 4 negative excursions which exist in Member 1, the medium-up-per part of Member 2, the upper part of Member 2 and the Upper Member 3 to Member 4 of Doushantuo Formation, respectively.The first, second and the fouth negative δ13C excursions can be well correlated to those from other sections of the Yangtze Gorges, and are of great significance for the regional and global Ediacaran stratigraphic correlation.Since the notable negative excursion in the first positive δ13C excursion is not observed in the ZK04 drilling core, the authors hold that the WANCE event could merely repre-sent a short-term δ13C decrease in partial area of Yangtze Gorges.The third, which was the strongest negative δ13C excursion, has not been reported in other regions, except for Sixi and Qinglinkou of Zigui County.A probable explanation is that there occurred stratigraphic gap in the relatively shallow water.The relatively weak negative δ13C excursion at the top of Doushantuo Formation, as-sociated with the less developed black shales, suggests that the Lianghekou area of Changyang might have been located at the shallowwater platform or platform margin during the late Doushantuo period.DOUNCE was probably the most negative event of δ13C in the geological time, and it is believed to have been closely linked to the evolution of the large acanthomorphic acritarchs and the Edia-caran biota, accordingly it may be of great importance for global Eidacaran stratigraphic subdivision.