Holocene environmental changes revealed by Core LZK03 in the Li-aohe River Delta
Graphical Abstract
In order to understand the coastal geoenvironmental changes in Holocene, the authors took a rotary-drilling core LZK03 in the Liao River Delta to conduct research work. Based on multidisciplinary approaches including stratigraphic logging, pollen analysis, 14C dating and grain size analysis, the authors studied the Holocene sedimentary evolution of the core sediments. As a result, four geological periods were recognized as follows: ①Lacustrine stage, buried at the depth of 22.70~18.35m, which started its activity earlier than the age of Holocene lower boundary and continued until Holocene transgression in the area; ②Transgression stage, buried at the depth of 18.35~13.55m, locally named Panshan Transgression, which arrived in the area around 8ka cal BP and caused the end of the previous stage and formed tidal flat deposits when the transgression further intruded inland. ③Regression Stage, 13.55~7.50m, which started its activity around 3ka cal BP and then rivers produced major sediments in the area. ④Salt marsh stage, buried 7.5~0m in depth and lasting from about 500cal BP to the present, during which the sea has retreated seaward from the core site. Consequently, due to less marine inundation and frequent exposure, the oxidation environment colored the surface sediments yellow brown.