Ore-forming geological characteristics and prospecting perspective analysis of the Magui lead-zinc polymetallic ore deposit in Tibet
Graphical Abstract
The Magui lead-zinc polymetallic deposit is at the west end of the skarn type lead-zinc polymetallic deposits found in the Gangdise lead-zinc-silver metallogenic belt. Through the current pre-investigation work, a total of 14 orebodies were found in the mining area. It is initially predicted that an intermediate-large deposit is attainable. The middle and eastern section in Gangdise possesses high level of study at present. Though the western section possesses low level of study, it has the same good skarn polymetallic ore-forming geological conditions; nevertheless, ore deposits were rarely found there. The discovery of the Magui deposit provides evidence for the westward extension of the ore-forming process and the expansion of the mineralization scale and also increases the confidence that the same kind of ore deposits might be found in westward direction.