LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating of the gabbro from Xiaonanshan, Siziwang Banner, Inner Mongolia, and its geological significance
Graphical Abstract
Located on the northwestern margin of the North China Craton, Siziwang Banner belongs tectonically to Bayun Obo mar-ginal rift. It is about 100km away from the north of Solonker suture. A mafic-ultramafic belt is exposed in central Inner Mongolia, in EW extension roughly 300km long and 30km wide, comprising a favorable metallogenic belt for Cu-Ni (PGE) sulfide deposits. Many Cu-Ni (PGE) deposits (ore spots) have been found here including the Xiaonanshan Cu-Ni (PGE) deposit. The Xiaonanshan intrusion consists of gabbro and belongs to the tholetiitic series in petrochemical composition. Most of the rocks are relatively en-riched in large ion lithophile elements (Rb, Ba, U, Pb) and depleted in high field strength elements (Nb, Ta, Ti), exhibiting right-in-clined linear REE patterns with LREE enrichment relative to HREE. LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating of zircons from Xiaonanshan orebearing gabbro yielded an age of 272.7±2.9Ma, indicating that the pluton should be the Mid-Permain intrusion. According to the re-gional geology, combined with the geochemical features, it may be inferred that the intrusion may be associated with intraplate tec-tonic setting