Preliminary Division for Neotectonic Episode of Tengchong Block, Southwest Yunnan
Graphical Abstract
The well exposed strata, the terraced multi-platforms and multi-period volcanic activity in Lianghe Basin indicate neotectonics of central Tengchong block. The each era sediments and deformation show different characteristics, that is the Miocene Nanlin Formation has the highest degree of consolidation and deformation, the Pliocene Mangbang Formation higher and the Quaternary Strata a little or no. The seven levels terrace are found in which the 5th terrace is most well preserved. There are at least four period volcanic activity in Lianghe Basin, including 3.5~5.0Ma, 2.3~2.9Ma, 1.0~1.5Ma and 0.5~0.7Ma from old to young respectively. According to the new chronology study results, the neotectonic movement episodes can be divided into three period: ①before 5Ma, including basin formation, consolidation and deformation of Nanlin formation; ②5~2Ma, consolidation and deformation of Mangbang formation along with multi period volcano activity; ③after 2Ma, multi-stage platforms and terraces formation with multi period volcano activity.