Paleocene tectonic lithofacies paleogeography of the Tibetan Plateau
Graphical Abstract
Based on an integrated study of the geological maps and previous achievements, the authors analyzed the attributes, tectonic settings and lithofacies-stratigraphic sequences of the remnant basins in the Tibetan plateau. In Paleocene, the Tibetan Plateau was characterized by the erosional areas in western Kunlun, Altun, Qilian, western Qinling, Songpan-Garze and Gangdise, the Alxa and Indian ancient lands and the depressed basins (lakes and pluvial plains) in Xining-Lanzhou, Chengdu and Baingoin. There existed Neo-Tethyan remnant sea in western and southern Tibetan Plateau. It is held that the paleogeography of the Neo-Tethyan remnant sea was a remnant oceanic basin to the west of the Saga area and a foreland basin to the east of Saga during the Paleocene. The authors argue that the closure of the Neo-Tethys progressed from east to west.