The tectonic evolution and its oil and gas prospect of southeast margin of Yangtze Block
Graphical Abstract
From Cryogenian to Early Paleozoic, the southeastern margin of Yangtze Block had gone through three stages: ①Nanhua rift stage (820~635Ma), an association of alluvial, fluvial, volcanic, deep turbidity current and glacial deposition developed in the main rifts. ②Passive margin stage(Nh-Cambrian,635~488Ma), a super-sequence, which was mainly composed of carbonate, and more than 3000m in thickness , formed in southeast margin basin. ③Foreland basin evolution and Caledonian orogenic process, another super-sequence was developed, its lower part was composed of carbonate, but the upper mainly be dominated by terrigenous deposits. During the basin evolution, the southeast margin of Yangtze Block not only modified three sources rock suites, but also developed all kinds of reservoir. The west region of Xuefeng Mountain located in the neighboring area of Hunan, Hubei, Chongqing and Sichuan, therefore, hadgood condition of marine oil and gas, and would be a favorable region for the exploration of oil and gas(including shale gas)