The application of analytic hierarchy process to the danger evaluation of collapse and slide in Lujiang basin segment of Nujiang valley, western Yunnan Province
Graphical Abstract
In this paper, based on a comprehensive investigation of the distribution condition of the collapse and slide in this area and utilizing the results of 1∶50000 geohazards survey of this area, the authors studied the Lujiang basin area in Nujiang valley, western Yunnan Province, where the exterior dynamic force relatively frequently causes geohazards. A comprehensive analysis and evaluation of the danger degree of geohazards were carried out with the analytical hierarchy process (AHP). The authors have drawn the risk assessment map for this area, and divided the hazards of collapse and slide in this area into three levels, i.e., stable, basically stable and unstable. The stable area is distributed in Gaoligong Mountain natural reserve, and the basically stable and unstable areas are mainly distributed in the region where human activities are relatively frequent.