The recovery of the trajectory of Indian plate based on dinosaurs
Graphical Abstract
There exists more and more evidence that the Indian plate has collided with the Eurasian plate twice. The first collision happened two hundred million years ago, by which the Gondwana dinosaur fauna was brought into Asia through the Indian plate. It was then that the Early Jurassic dinosaurs appeared in China for the first time. It can be accurately said that the dinisaurs in China originated from the first collision of the Indian plate. After Jurassic the Indian plate was caused to make clockwise rotation and there occurred a rift in the eastern part of Thailand. The movement eventually led to the formation of Bay of Bengal, which acted as the prologue of the second collision. 55 million years ago the Indian plate moved and collided for the second time with the Eurasian plate in Tibetan area, giving birth to the Himalayas.