Heavy mineral characteristics of Carboniferous-Permian strata in Ejin Banner and its vicinities, western Inner Mongolia, and their significance.
Graphical Abstract
Aim—to confirm the basin-and-range structural framework evolvement and provenance system of Carboniferous to Permian in Badanjaran basin. Method—by analyzing the content and the combined characteristic of clastic heavy mineral in sections of different depression belts of Carboniferous to Permian. Results—most of the heavy minerals in Badanjaran basin didn′t suffer long-distance transport and the heavy minarals combination are different in different secondary units of different periods. In Carboniferous, the combination forms are zircon+apatite in Hongshishan-Heiyingshan depression, zircon+rutile+apatite+tourmaline in Hongliudaquan depression, zircon + rutile+apatite+tourmaline+garnet in Xilinhaote depression with garnet's drastically increasing upwards and zircon+rutile+apatite+ tourmaline in Zhusileng delve. Whereas, in Permian, the combination forms are zincon+apatite+ garnet in Hongshishan-Heiyingshan, zircon+rutile+apatite+tourmaline+garnet in Hongliudaquan depression, zircon + garnet + tourmaline in Xilinhaote depression, zircon+rutile+apatite+tourmaline+garnet in Zhusileng delve. Basin heavily shrinked in Late Permain northwards and marine sedimentary heavy mineral combination is zircon + rutile+apatite + tourmaline. Conclusion—there are two provenance systems in Badanjaran basin,Alashan-Langshan ancient land and Mazongshan slitter palaeohigh.