Chemistry kinetic experiment of water-rock interaction in the Luohe iron deposit, Lujiang-Zongyang basin, Anhui Province, China
Graphical Abstract
In order to study rock-water interaction of Luohe iron deposit, kinetics experiment is conducted at 22 MPa and the temperature range from 100℃ to 400℃。The experiment was carried out by using packed bed reaction at current velocities of 1.0, 1.5,, 3.0 ml/min, and at the temperature of 100℃, 200℃, 300℃, 350℃, 374℃ and 400℃, respectively. The experiment shows most of the element concentrations are increasing with the increase of the temperature, usually the maximum of element concentration is at the range from 300℃ to 400℃. Dissolution rates of the elements are variable when the temperature is rising. The maximum dissolution rates of most of elements occurred at 200℃~400℃, the temperatures when dissolution rates of the elements reached the maximum are different. The flow velocities influence the dissolution rates of the elements and the appearance of maximum dissolution rate of the elements could not have the sametime of the occuring of maximum flow velocities.