Mineralizing alteration extraction based on Hyperion hyper-spectral data—taking Tanyaokou deposit, Inner Mongolia, China as an example
Graphical Abstract
Taking known deposit called Tanyaokou as an experimental region and based on the theory of wall rock alteration, study and experiment have been carried out on mineralization alteration extraction with hyper-spectral remote sensing image. Specifically, research is started with finding some indicative symbols based on alteration theory and studying spectrum features. Furthermore, pre-treatment of EO-1 Hyperion imagery includes remove band lines, de-stripping, atmospheric correction and spectral reconstruction. Five end members have been extracted from inversion reflectance, which are used to mapping the study area using SAM method. Therefore, five alteration anomalies have been extracted. Besides, overlay analysis of hydroxyl anomaly information extracted from multi-spectral remote sensing imagery with alteration minerals distilled from hyper-spectral data in order to verify the correctness and feasibility of extraction, at last, repeatable technology processes of extraction for mineralization alteration using multi-source remotely sensed imagery have been established. Finally, according to geological setting and previous research about ore deposit especially on ore bearing stratum, the authors forecast other favorable target areas using alteration distribution map. The result reveals that extraction of anomalies agree with the ore-bearing strata, which shows practical meanings.