Integrated evaluation of sandstone-hosted uranium metallogenic potential in the southern margin of Yili basin, Xinjiang, China
Graphical Abstract
Plenty of geological data have been accumulated during mineral resource survey in China; under the guidance of new metallogenic theories, it is an important task how to use these data and bring into the best effect in the new cycle of uranium survey. The flow sheet of establishing the integrated mineral deposits prospecting model for sandstone-hosted uranium deposits is put forward in the paper. Based on the study of geology, hydrogeology and regional geophysical field characteristics of representative uranium deposit No. 512 in the southern Yili basin,its multi-source information descriptive model is established, from which 512-type integrated prospecting model of sandstone-hosted uranium orefield and deposit are summarized. According to the established integrated prospecting models, the metallogenic information extraction of sandstone-hosted uranium deposits is completed in the study area. Finally, the integrated quantitative evaluation of sandstone-hosted uranium metallogenic potential is performed by using the evidence weighting method to integrate middle scale multi-source metallogenic information in the southern Yili basin,and the good prediction effect is obtained.