A new evidence from zircon SHRIMP U-Pb dating of the Neoproterozoic diamictite in Quruqtagh area, Tarim basin, Xinjiang, China
Graphical Abstract
Neoproterozoic glaciations of Quruqtagh area in Tarim basin are recognized, four of which appear to be global and with different volcanic rocks. In recent years, "Snow earth" hypothesis put forwards to the study of glaciation, any advancement of sedimentary, depositional environment and glaciation chronostratigraphic dating for the four glaciations in Quruqtagh area in Tarim basin, which will put more attention to global. This paper gives a new zircon SHRIMP U-Pb dating to be showing an evidence for the Neoproterozoic glaciations of Quruqtagh area in Tarim basin.