An important window for understanding the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau—A review on research progress in recent years of Qiangtang area, Tibet, China
Graphical Abstract
Since 2003,China Geological Survey has assigned more than 30 1∶250000 and a few 1∶50000 mapping tasks in Qiangtang area,various types of scientific researchs have been developing actively,which has achieved a large number of important results of regional geological investigation and scientific research.Significant progress has been obtained regarding the constitution, age and nature of the basement in central Qiangtang where Paleozoic formations are widely distributed; further study has been accomplished in terms of the Palaeozoic sedimentary, stratigraphic sequence and palaeontological fauna of Gondwana and Yangtze continental margin, establishment of stratigraphic framework has been perfected; moreover, results of Longmu Co-Shuanghu ophiolite suture zone study are really encouraging, and through this research, we succeeded in identifing the Permian ophiolite, discovering a complete set of Early Paleozoic ophiolite and precise dating, also extending evolutionary history of the ancient Tethys to the Ordovician; the length of high-pressure metamorphic belt discovered in central Qiangtang has been up to 500km, the discovery and research of eclogites has added much content into this field, mineralogical study of high-pressure metamorphic and metamorphism research are available for establishing Qiangtang central plate collision model now; it has been indicated by magmatic rock and activity research that in central Qiangtang area multi-phase major magmatic events have occurred since the Ordovician; the study of tectonic movement stage has played a key role in the determination of Gondwana Plate and the Yangtze plate boundary. If the Tibetan Plateau can be called the golden key to open the mysteries of the earth, then Qiangtang is the key to open the geological mysteries of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.