Definition, classification, characteristics and diagnostic indications of tectonic facies
PAN Gui-tang,
XIAO Qing-hui,
LU Song-nian,
DENG Jin-fu,
FENG Yi-min,
ZHANG Ke-xin,
ZHANG Zhi-yong,
WANG Fang-guo,
XING Guang-fu,
HAO Guo-jie,
FENG Yan-fang
Graphical Abstract
Tectonic facies is a rock-tectonic association formed in a tectonic setting of a specific tectonic site in a specific evolutionary stage during the formation and evolution of a continental block and a orogenic system (belt) as well as an integrated product of dynamic processes of divergence, convergence, collision and rotation-shear of continental lithosphere plates. It has the function of restoring and revealing the composition, structure, evolution and metallogenic geological setting of continental block regions and orogenic systems (belts). According to the basic principle of the plate tectonic theory and practical experience got in the long-term study of the tectonics of continental China, a relatively systematic and detailed scheme of tectonic facies classification was presented on the basis of the previous tectonic study. The paper summarizes the basic characteristics and diagnostic indications of these tectonic facies. The study not only enriches the content of continental plate tectonic research but also provides a new idea and a new work method for the prediction and study of the regional metallogenic geological setting and resources. Tectonic facies is also an important indication of defining the attributes of tectonic units and determining the phases of tectonic evolution.