Application of the remote sensing technique in urban geological survey
Graphical Abstract
If a country or region is developed,its geological work extent is also higher.The reality in China is,however,that the geological work exten t in mountains areas in central and western China is higher while that in urba n or plain areas in eastern China is relatively low,which cannot meet the de-mands for the rapidly developing economy and society.In the planning of ur ban geological survey and stereographic geological mapping that are about to be carried out ,remote sensing as an advanced technique that has developed in com pany with urban geological survey is bound to give full play its to own advan-tages in urban geoscience sensu lato and land and resource survey.This paper ma inly introduces the advan-tages of remote sensing techniques in many areas of serving urban geological survey and economic and so-cial demands,such as the stratigraphic division of the Quaternary,division of geomorphological units, early warning and monitoring of geological disasters,tracing of the dynamic p rocess of urbanization and urban e-co-environment.