Early Precambrian geology of the Yebaishou uplift in western Liaoning province
Graphical Abstract
The Early Cambrian Jianping Group established in the Yebaishou uplift by the lithostratigraphic method in western Liaoning was disintegrated by present geological mapping (1∶ 50 000 ) which adopted the tectono petrological event method. The research work gives the following conclusions: (1)The basement of the Yebaishou uplift consists of Late Archean trondjemite tonalite granodiorite (TTG) calc alkaline (CA) intrusive complex and granopegmatite with a small amount of supracrustal rocks and Early Proterozoic metamorphosed volcanic sedimentary rocks. (2)The oldest rocks are supracrustal rocks, which occur as xenoliths in earlier sodium rich rocks (TTG rock series) and later potassium rich rocks (CA rockseries). The CA complex (the Lulujing monzonitic gneissic complex) is intruded into the TTG complex (Yebaishou gneissic complex). (3)The Early Proterozoic volcanic sedimentary rocks overlie unconformably the Late Archean rock complex.