Application of pXRF in-situ analysis in the exploration of Yuka rutile deposit, North Qaidam
Graphical Abstract
Portable X-ray fluorescence analysis (pXRF) has the advantages of being fast, efficient, green, and convenient, making it increasingly widely used in mineral exploration. However, due to issues such as unevenness and non-uniformity in the samples, there is a certain deviation between the in-situ analysis results of pXRF and the laboratory analysis results. In this paper, the stability of pXRF in-situ analysis is tested and compared with the results of the laboratory XRF method, and this technology is applied to the exploration and prospecting of Yuqa rutile deposits in North Qaidam. The stability test shows that the single point repeated measurement result of pXRF in-situ analysis arestable, and the optimal time of analysis and testing is 25~30 seconds.There is a significant correlation between pXRF and laboratory XRF method for Ti content in the sample, with a linear relationship. The results of field rapid evaluation of Ti content in eclogite show that when the Ti content of ineclogite is in the range of 0~0.52% by in situ pXRF analysis, it corresponds to non-mineralized eclogite. When the Ti content is in the range of 0.52%~0.86%, it corresponds to low-Ti ore body.When the Ti content is greater than 0.86%, the corresponding eclogiteisa rutile industrial ore body.In the process of trenching logging and drilling construction, the use of pXRF analysis can be quickly determine the ore bearing property of eclogite in the field, which can help to delineate the ore bodies in the prospecting work, greatly reduce the workload of sample collection, save cost and time, and improve the exploration efficiency of eclogite-type rutile deposits.