The "trinity" prospecting prediction geological model and demonstration of deep prospecting of Jiaojia gold field in the Jiaodong area
Graphical Abstract
The Jiaojia gold field is one of the three most abundant gold fields in the Jiaodong area.In order to carry out deep ore exploration and prediction work in Jiaojia gold field, the geological model of ore prospecting is constructed based on the summary of deep investigation work in Jiaojia gold field using the ore prospecting prediction theory in the exploration area.The results show that the Guojialing-type granite of Early Cretaceous is the metallogenic geological body of Jiaojia gold field.The metallogenic structural system is Jiaojia fault structural system and the metallogenic structure interface is fault structure, which mainly includes main fault surface, secondary fault surface, fissure surface and so on.Hydrothermal alteration mainly includes potash feldspathization, pyritization, quartz-sericitization, silicification and carbonation.Two deep ore prospecting target areas have been delineated, and good prospecting results have been achieved through drilling verification, thus opening up the deep prospecting space.