Oxidation and geological characteristics of uranium mineralization in Heishui area, Pingzhuang Basin
Graphical Abstract
The Heishui area lies in the northern Pingzhuang Basin, where the Cretaceous Sunjiawan Formation is targeted for uranium exploration. Better oxidized zones and industrial uranium mineralization have been observed on the margins of the basin in recent years. However, the choice of the next exploration direction puzzles us because the pattern and type of mineralization are still unclear. To improve our understanding of the oxidation of aim stratum and geological characteristics of uranium mineralization, we conducted an integrated analysis of samples collected in study area, including microscopic identification, major element, environmental geochemical indicators, clay minerals, EPMA, and SEM in this study. The results show that the maturity of sandstone of ore bearing aim stratum is low, indicating a proximal provenance. There is strong post-growth oxidation and significant alteration zoning. Furthermore, the target layer reductant is dominated by pyrite. The uranium enrichment pattern is that uranium-oxygenated water continuously infiltrates the sand body. Enrichment and mineralization occurred in the oxidation-reduction transition zone of the frontal interlayer oxidation zone. Pitchblende, followed by coffinite, is the predominant uranium mineral type. The geological characteristics of the uranium mineralization in the study area are in accord with oxide zone-stratified sandstone-type uranium mineralization model, which has a high potential for mineralization.