The tectono-metallogenic characteristics of uplift-detachment belt of magmatic core complex in Linglong gold field, Jiaodong area
Graphical Abstract
The Linglong gold field is located in the eastern part of the Linglong magmatic core complex of Jiaodong area, which is a set of rock mass combinations with complicated genesis, multiple sources and different magmatic evolution sequences surrounded by the Jiaojia fault belt and the Zhaoyuan-Pingdu fault belt.In the ore field, The core of the complex rock mass is formed by Linglong-type gneiss-like biotite granite and Guojialing-type porphyryite-like diorite, and the upper cover is Luanjiahe-type coarse-grained monzonitc granite and a small amount of Archean metamorphic rocks.The detachment belt is developed between the Linglong-type gneiss-like biotite granite pluton and the Luanjiahe-type coarse-grained monzonitc granite pluton which was formed by the progressive deformation and transformation of the Potouqing fault belt.The Potouqing detachment belt is a steep and slow shovel-type fracture, the depth in turning end of which is between -300 m and -500 m, and the turning depth of the detachment belt towards the north and east directions is gradually deepening.In order to understand the structural evolution and mineralization characteristics of the uplift detachment belt of the Linglong magmatic core complex, the observation results of the diagenetic structure and brittle ductile deformation characteristics of granite in the later stage show that the fault structure has undergone multiple stress turns from compression shear in the early stage of mineralization to extension detachment during the mineralization period. The diagenetic age (130~125 Ma) of the Guojialing-type porphyry-like diorite in the ore field is coincided with the plastic deformation stage of the detachment belt (137~123 Ma), and the brittle deformation stage of the detachment belt (123~108 Ma) is basically coincided with the large-scale mineralization event (125.8~105 Ma) of the mine, showing the significant correlation between the structural mineralization of the magmatic core complex uplift-detachment belt in the Linglong gold field and the uplift structure of the porphyry-like granodiorite of the Guojialing type.The geometric, kinematics and chronological characteristics of the magmatic core complex uplift-detachment belt of Linglong gold field demonstrate the structural ore-controlling regularity, which can be used to guide the deep prospecting of Linglong gold field.