Simply discussion on the work of ground substrate survey: taking Hainan Island as an example
Graphical Abstract
Ground substrate survey,a whole new field of natural resources survey and monitoring system in the current situation,has not evolved into an unified guide line on action. In this paper,based on the preliminarily summarization of the current situation of ground substrate survey,we provide the overall thinking about organization and implementation of national ground substrate survey in stages and from national level,reginal level and key areas level. Also,having taken into account of the geological background of breeding ground substrate in Hainan Island,we take a case study on how to carry out the ground substrate survey in the southern strong weathering area. Complying with the principles of combination of survey by different area and stage and supplemental survey,and investigation being of equal importance as survey,we divided the organization of ground substrate survey for Hainan Island into three levels,such as all over the Island level,watershed level,key area level. For the supplemental survey of ground substrate,we proposed basic survey indexes,characteristic indexes and evaluation indexes with emphasizing the control and influence of land-sea interaction and supergene geological effect under tropics strong weathering condition. After unravelling the current situation and evolution law of ground substrate,it is necessary to carry out the comprehensive evaluation and regionalization of ground substrate. Based above,we explored and summarized the technical methods of ground substrate survey in tropics strong weathering area.