Geochemical characteristics of trace elements of sulfides and its indication to the genesis of the lead-zinc deposits in Huayuan ore field, Hunan Province
Graphical Abstract
The Huayuan lead-zinc ore field in Western Hunan is an important part of the western Hunan-western Hubei metallogenic belt. In order to explore the genesis of lead-zinc deposits in Huayuan ore concentration area, the content of trace elements in sphalerite, galena, pyrite of six lead-zinc deposits in the Huayuan ore field were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry(ICP-MS). The results show that sphalerite is relatively rich in elements such as Fe, Cd, Pb, Cu, Ge, Tl, etc., poor in Ga, Se, Ag, Sn, etc.. The content of Fe, Cd, Mn is stable. The content of Pb, Cu, etc, . varies widely, Fe and Pb may mainly occur in sphalerite in the form of isomorphism and nanometer mineral inclusions. The geochemical properties of trace elements of sphalerite and galena indicate that the lead-zinc deposit in Huayuan orefield is a medium-low temperature(100~250℃)lead-zinc deposit related to carbonate rocks. Compared with the lead-zinc deposits of different genetic types, we believe that the lead-zinc deposits in Huayuan ore field are similar to the MVT type lead-zinc deposit related to basin brine.