Study on mineral characteristics based on comprehensive utilization of tailings in the Jinchangyu gold ore deposit in Eastern Hebei Province
Graphical Abstract
Metal tailings have the dual characteristics of environmental pollution and resource reuse.From the view of comprehensive utilization, we analyzed chemical compositions, mineral compositions, and mineral particle sizes, and dissociation degrees of the tailings in the Jinchangyu gold ore deposit, Eastern Hebei in order to find a suitable way for the comprehensive utilization of the tailings.The results show: The tailings of the Jinchangyu gold ore deposit are low iron, high aluminum, and high silicon tailings; The mian mineral compositions are quartz and feldspar, with a small amount of dolomite, mica, and galena, etc; Fine sands predominate in the particle sizes of tailings; The content of quartz in the tailings is more than 30%, which has a simple symbiotic relationship with other minerals.Suggestions for the comprehensive utilization: ①Preparation of high purity silica; ②Preparation and production of building materials such as sintered bricks; ③Preparatione of high value-added products, such as glass-ceramics and glaze materials; ④Preparations of environmental protection materials, soil improvers, and mineral fertilizers, etc; ⑤Underground filling materials.