Metallogenic prognosis of antimony deposits in Damushan area, north margin of Yangtze block
Graphical Abstract
Antimony is a kind of important strategic mineral resource.Damushan area is located in the South-west of middle-lower Yangtze River valley metallogenic belt.This area has experienced several evolutionary stages such as basement sedimentation in Pre-Sinian, cover sedimentation from Sinian to Early Triassic, collisional orogeny since the Middle Triassic and intraplate deformation after orogeny.Multiple evolutionary stages resulted in the focus of the intersection, connection and transformation of different tectonic systems in Damushan area.As a result, this area is advantageous for mineralization of epithermal antimony deposit.The regional geology of this area is less studied.The author re-summarized the Sb metallogenic regularity through deeply analysis of the existing geological data, and suggests that Sb ore-forming materials are mainly come from the mixture of mantle fluids basement strata.Diapirism of magma is an important driving force for the rise of ore-forming materials.The deep faults, especially interlayer detachment faults, are important conditions for migration and storage of ore-forming fluids.Using GIS technology, the author extracted multi-source information of geology, geochemistry, geophysics and remote sensing, which indicated the existence of Sb mineralization.We re-extracted 9 prospecting areas, including 3 A, 2 B and 4 C level, which will benefit the ore prospecting of this region.