HE Shiwei, WANG Kaixing, LIU Xiaodong, LEI Yongliang. 2022: Genesis of the Yihuang strong peraluminous S-type granite in Jiangxi Province and its constraints on Early Paleozoic intracontinental orogeny in South China. Geological Bulletin of China, 41(5): 788-809. DOI: 10.12097/j.issn.1671-2552.2022.05.006
    Citation: HE Shiwei, WANG Kaixing, LIU Xiaodong, LEI Yongliang. 2022: Genesis of the Yihuang strong peraluminous S-type granite in Jiangxi Province and its constraints on Early Paleozoic intracontinental orogeny in South China. Geological Bulletin of China, 41(5): 788-809. DOI: 10.12097/j.issn.1671-2552.2022.05.006

    Genesis of the Yihuang strong peraluminous S-type granite in Jiangxi Province and its constraints on Early Paleozoic intracontinental orogeny in South China

    • The Yihuang granite is located in the southeast Yihuang county of central Jiangxi Province, which belongs to the Wuyi terranes.The main lithology of the Yihuang granitoids is two-mica monzogranite.Zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating indicates that the Yihuang granitoid formed at 448 Ma.The Yihuang granitoid is characterized by high contents of SiO2, K2O, ΣREE(164.29×10-6~256.66×10-6), CaO/Na2O, A/CNK(1.23~1.45), and Rb/Sr, as well as low contents of P2O5, TiO2, TFeO/MgO, Al2O3 / TiO2, Nb, and Sr.They are enriched in LREE relatively to HREE((La/Yb)N = 12.02~34.43)with moderate Eu anomalies(δEu = 0.38 ~ 0.77).The Yihuang granite displays low εNd (t)=(-8.22 ~ -13.93)and high(87Sr / 86Sr)i=(0.71283 ~ 0.72410).Zircon 176Hf/177Hf and εHf (t)values of the Yihuang granite are 0.28155~0.28250 and -33.15 ~ 10.45, respectively, with the corresponding two-stage Nd isotopic model ages of 1.99 ~ 2.31 Ga and two-stage Hf isotopic model ages of 1.24~3.48 Ga.The characteristics mentioned above show that the Yihuang granite is similar to the strongly peraluminous S-type granitoid.The biotite in the Yihuang granite is enriched in Fe, Mg, and Ti, and the muscovite has high contents of Ti, Al, Na, and low content in Fe.Combined with zircon saturation thermometers, biotite geothermometer, muscovite geobarometer, and zircon Ce anomalies, the Yihuang granite may be formed by the partial melting of the Proterozoic felsic crust of South China under high temperature, medium pressure(9.5 kbar)and low oxygen fugacity.Under the Early Paleozoic intra-continental Orogeny, the upwelling of mantle caused by the lithospheric delamination provided heat that would have triggered the partial melting of the Proterozoic crust of South China to generate the Yihuang granite.
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