WU Tie-shan. 2001: Lithostratigraphic division and correlation of the Early Precambrian(Achaean-Paleoproterozoic) in North China and age assignment of the lithostratigraphicunits. Geological Bulletin of China, 20(2): 116-127. DOI: 10.12097/j.issn.1671-2552.2001.02.004
WU Tie-shan. 2001: Lithostratigraphic division and correlation of the Early Precambrian(Achaean-Paleoproterozoic) in North China and age assignment of the lithostratigraphicunits. Geological Bulletin of China, 20(2): 116-127. DOI: 10.12097/j.issn.1671-2552.2001.02.004
WU Tie-shan. 2001: Lithostratigraphic division and correlation of the Early Precambrian(Achaean-Paleoproterozoic) in North China and age assignment of the lithostratigraphicunits. Geological Bulletin of China, 20(2): 116-127. DOI: 10.12097/j.issn.1671-2552.2001.02.004
WU Tie-shan. 2001: Lithostratigraphic division and correlation of the Early Precambrian(Achaean-Paleoproterozoic) in North China and age assignment of the lithostratigraphicunits. Geological Bulletin of China, 20(2): 116-127. DOI: 10.12097/j.issn.1671-2552.2001.02.004