Fujian has undergone influences of mutliple orogenic movements since the Late Archean. Of these activities the Yanshanian tectono magmatism was the strongest and most frequent, which resulted in unceasing breakup and accretion of Cathaysia in the province. In Fujian NNE NEE, NW EW and S N trending faults are well developed, forming blocks (terranes) of varying size. What is the most striking is that the intersecting NE trending Nanping Ninghua fault zone and NNE trending Zhenghe Dapu tectono-magmatic zone cut the province into the northwestern Fujian, southwestern Fujian and eastern Fujian terranes. In this paper a general description is made on the major faults and the histories of tectonic deformation metamorphism, magmatic intrusion extrusion and separation assembly of the three terranes. Fujian province is a composite orogenic belt resulting from polyphase orogeny and assembly of different blocks or terranes.