摘要: 大陆边缘代表地壳的基本不连续,大陆壳在这里与大洋壳相邻接,是研究大洋与大陆相互作用的关键场所。这里含有大陆形成过程的线索,因为越来越多的事实已证明,大多数山系是作为大陆边缘开始自己的历史的。被动大陆边缘(Passive continental margins),亦称大西洋型大陆边缘,是三种大陆边缘基本类型之一,是在拉张应力场下地壳减簿,大幅度沉陷的产物。以生成巨厚的沉积聚集为特征,岩浆活动弱,基本上不变形,与主动大陆边缘适成对照。粗略的估算表明,全世界新于两亿年的沉积岩体积中,一半以上是联合古陆(Pangea)自早中生代破裂以来在大西洋型边缘上堆积下来的。从而这些岩石就提供了Abstract: According to the main achievement published in "AAPG Education Course Note Series No. 19" and other works, this paper systematically introduces the geology of passive continental margins, including its geometric pattern, structu- re and evolution and the identification of its ancient counterparts. The regional uplift of eastern North China in the Early to Middle Triassic, followed by vast volcanic eruption and deposition of red coarse clastic rocks in the Jurassic along the graben system, indicates that there had been a northeasteast ritf extending from northern Shanxi through Hebei, Liaoning and Jilin provinces to Shikhote-Alin in the early Mesozoic. Considering that more and more ar- tioles point out that the structural framework of the whole of China Could be regarded as a composite composed of several continental blocks and various terranes progressively accreting from the late Precambrian to the Cenozoic, it is very important to clarify the nature of the ancient continental margins which now transect the continent and their history of transformation.