Redetermination of the Meso-Cenozoic structural framework of Dalian area
摘要: 中国东部地处欧亚大陆板块的东南边缘地带 ,经历了漫长而又特殊的地质构造演化过程。从叠加构造解析入手 ,详细划分了大连地区中、新生代的韧—脆性变形构造期次、变形机制 ,重新厘定了该区的中、新生代构造格架 ,并进行了区域动力学问题的讨论。Abstract: Eastern China is situated on the southeastern margin of the Eurasian continental plate , which went through a long and unique tectonic evolution. From an analysis of superposition structure, a detailed subdivision of the Meso Cenozoic ductile brittle deformation episodes and mechanism in the Dalian area is made and the structural framework is redetermined for this period. In addition, a discussion on the regional dynamics is held.