This paper briefly summarizes the present study of the Carboniferous System of Qinghai province. The province is stratigraphically divided into five regions, i. e. Qilian, Qaidam, Qingling, Bayan Har and Tanggula, and a number of subregions. With the section at the northeastern margin of the Qaidam basin as the type section of the Carboniferous of Qinghai, the Amunic, Fengshangou, Chengqianggou and hoit Taria Formations (Lower Carboniferous) and the Lower Hurleg, Upper Hurleg and Jabsar Gaxun Formations (Upper Carboniferous) have been established in ascending order. On the basis of the statistics of the range of occurrence of the biotas, the biostratigraphic sequ- ences of brachhiopods, corals and fusulinids have been set up. The characteris- tics of the rocks and strata and biotas of various formations are dealt with in details, and the upper and lower boundaries of the Carboniferous and the contact relationship between its upper and lawer series are also discussed briefly.