
    The distribution characteristics of debris flow along the Luhuo-Daofu section of Xianshuihe fault, west Sichuan Province

    • 摘要: 鲜水河断裂带炉霍-道孚段泥石流沿断裂带呈线性分布,以中高频泥石流为主,过渡型、稀性居多。断裂带内岩体破碎,次级构造发育且活动性强烈使主河床呈阶梯状,为泥石流灾害发育提供了势能转化、物质补给与水力运输条件。研究区泥石流沟(Ksn约140 m0.9)分布在主河陡峭指数高处(Ksn约66 m0.9),且中下游泥石流沟与其入汇主河处的陡峭指数变化趋势较一致。Wilcoxon秩和检验发现断裂带北东侧泥石流沟的坡度(26.5°)、剩余高度(13.3 m)、地震动峰值加速度显著高于南西侧;南西侧泥石流沟相比北东侧岩性更软、地形湿度指数更大。利用主成分分析发现北东侧泥石流沟地质地貌较相似,以陡峭地形为主,南西侧泥石流沟受岩性、水力运输能力影响,泥石流沟形貌更复杂。系统性认识炉霍-道孚段泥石流沟可为国道G317泥石流灾害防治工作提供参考。


      Abstract: The Debris flow in Luhuo-Daofu section is linearly distributed along the Xianshuihe fault.It is mainly medium and high frequency, transitional and diluted debris flow.In the fault, the rock mass is broken, the secondary structure is developed with strong activity, so that the main riverbed is stepped, which provides potential energy transformation, material supply and hydraulic transport conditions for the development of debris flow disaster.Debris flow gullies (Ksn about 140 m0.9) are distributed at the high river steepness indices of the trunk river (Ksn about 66 m0.9).Moreover, debris flow gullies on the middle and lower reaches of the river and the trunk river in which they enter are more consistent in the trend of the river steepness indices.Wilcoxon test shows that the slope (26.5°), excess height (13.3 m) and peak ground acceleration of debris flow gullies on the northeast of the Xianshuihe fault are significantly higher than those on the southwest.Compared with debris flow gullies on the northeast of the Xianshuihe fault, the lithology of debris flow gullies on the southwest side are softer, and the topographic wetness index are larger.The principal component analysis indicates that the geology and geomorphology of debris flow gullies on the northeast side are relatively similar, mainly in steep terrain, and the geomorphology of debris flow gullies on the southwest side are more complex due to the influence of lithology and hydrological transportation capacity.The systematic understanding of debris flow gullies along the Luhuo-Daofu section can provide a reference for the prevention and control of debris flow disasters on the G317 Highway.


