
    Urban heat island effect based on aerial thermal infrared hyperspectral TASI Data

    • 摘要: 基于航空热红外高光谱TASI数据开展城市热岛强度研究,通过建立热红外高光谱发射率的经验关系,对分离方法(TES)中MMD模块予以改进,建立针对TASI数据的温度反演模型,利用该模型完成了1500 km2锦州市TASI数据处理和温度反演工作,开展城市热岛的空间分布、范围及强度研究。结果表明,TASI数据反演温度与实测温度的平均绝对误差为0.81 K,平均相对误差为0.25%,提取的城市热异常范围准确,能够为城市热岛研究提供一定的决策支持;城市热岛强度与不透水面呈正相关关系,与植被覆盖呈负相关关系;城市热岛强度与土地利用覆盖类型有较大相关性,现代居民区和商业区强度高于城中村和城乡结合部建筑,农用地城市热岛强度最低。


      Abstract: The research on the urban heat island effect based on aerial thermal infrared hyperspectral TASI data was conducted. By establishing the empirical relationship of thermal infrared hyperspectral emissivity, the MMD module in the separation method (TES) was improved, and a temperature inversion model for TASI data was established.Using this model, TASI data processing and temperature inversion in the 1500 km2 area of Jinzhou City were completed, and the spatial distribution, range and intensity of urban heat islands were studied.The results show that the average absolute error between the inversion temperature and the measured temperature of the TASI data is 0.81 K, and the average relative error is 0.25%. The extracted range of urban thermal anomalies is accurate, which can provide certain decision support for the research of urban heat islands. The intensity of urban heat islands shows a positive correlation with the permeable surface and a negative correlation with the vegetation cover.It has a greater correlation with the type of used land cover. The urban heat island intensity of modern residential and commercial areas is higher than that of urban villages and rural-urban fringe buildings, and the urban heat island intensity of agricultural land is the lowest.


