
    Geochemistry and spatial distribution of Se element in soils of typical Se-rich area in Xinmi, Henan Province

    • 摘要: 硒(Se)是人和动物体必需的微量元素之一。通过土地质量地球化学调查评价,发现新密市南部土壤富硒资源丰富,系统采集并分析了代表性的土壤(表层和深层土样)、农作物(小麦)及岩石样品,探讨了土壤Se元素的空间分布规律、富硒土壤成因及其生物效应。测试结果表明,土壤总Se含量介于0.06~3.99 mg/kg之间,Se元素平均含量为0.44 mg/kg。根据河南省富硒土壤评价标准,工作区圈定富硒土地面积103.7 km2。对土壤-岩石地球化学剖面进行分析,推断工作区土壤硒异常主要来源于成土母质、次生富集和人为作用。工作区大宗粮食作物小麦中品质较好,52.94%的样品为富硒小麦。


      Abstract: Selenium (Se) is an essential trace element for humans and animals.Through the soil quality geochemical investigation and evaluation, it was found that the southern part of Xinmi was rich in selenium resources. Soils (topsoil and subsoil), crops (wheat) and rock samples were systematically collected and analyzed, and the spatial variation, genetic mechanism and biology effect of soil Se were discussed.The analytical data showed that soil total Se contents in southern Xinmi ranged from 0.06 mg/kg to 3.99 mg/kg, with an average of 0.44 mg/kg. According to the evaluation standard of selenium-rich soil in Henan Province, the area of selenium-rich land in the working area is 103.7 km2. The analysis of soil profile and soil-forming rock indicates that the soil Se in the study area was mainly derived from soil forming rock, secondary enrichment and anthropogenic source. The Se-enriched ratio of wheat samples was 52.94% according to national standards.


